We Visualize Your Data
We build interfaces for your team, creating custom functionality that makes it easy to find answers to the questions you didn’t know you had. Our team makes it easy to employ this new visualizations approach - we design the glyphs, map your data to them, and build the interfaces that to seamlessly integrate into your analysis workflow and backend IT architecture.
We match data visualization designs to decision process
By integrating our proprietary judgement support methodology, we help teams user their data to support different modes of thinking and find the insights that lead to great decisions. Leave the theories and guesswork at the door - Matri’s E9 software platform enables users to run a collaborative insight generation and team decision process.
We make data accessible
Our tools focus on making data available and consumable by ALL - not just by data experts. Regardless of your data literacy, we help decision makers at all levels make decisions informed by as many data points as are available. No more bar graphs, no more thousand-cell spreadsheets. We make it easy to consume dozens of data parameters by leveraging our neuroscience-backed techniques for visualizing data.
The Problem
Decisions today are becoming harder to make as they become more competitive, frequent, complex, and scrutinized. They force businesses to react at a punishing pace; one their current processes and data analysis products can’t support. Even with significant investments in ‘big data’, leaders aren’t seeing that raw resource turn into bottom line value.
The interface between humans and machines has been almost totally overlooked in the tech revolution of the last two decades. The same charts and graphs from the 90’s are still used in every product. Leaders and experts who need to use their data to make better decisions to deal with a changing business environment are still sipping it through a small straw.
The solution
we open the pipes between the human mind and the machine - decision making at the speed of curiosity.
We’ve re-designed the human machine interface, turning it from a choke point to a revolutionary experience of information. Our graphics designs change how experts and leaders consume their data and apply their intuition to find the patterns and anomalies that lead to risk mitigation and growth opportunity capture.
E9 software speeds the user’s decision-making cycles, helping them manage their decisions in an ever-evolving environment.
The “Menu”
1. Client Template PLUS Data
In this menu option, we leverage a client team-member’s decision-making heuristics (i.e., their “template” for making decisions) to demonstrate better interpretation of data for decision-making using E9. This results in two main lines of work from Matri for the client’s benefit:
Collecting a common set of decision heuristics for all members of the client’s team to use
Data visualizations to bolster the client’s decisions with data-backed insights
What this does for you:
Decision makers can consume data faster than ever before, breaking down the traditional barriers that inhibit the use of data to back decisions. No more theory, no more guesses going into decisions - non-technical users can consume data with just as much ease as database engineers. Decision makers throughout the client’s organization also gain a collective understanding of the decision heuristics employed by leading decision makers on their team.
Our Focus:
Data Visualizations
What we deliver:
Client receives Matri’s proprietary Decision Map(s) to outline the decision(s) in question.
Client receives a progression of data visualizations, from basic exploratory data analysis, through multi-parameter dives into the “unit of analysis” upon which the decision is made, to a detailed operational picture including all available data used to make a decision.
Training on our data visualizations
What you bring to the table:
A well-documented, well-organized database
Decision makers who can contribute their decision heuristics to the organization’s process on a specific decision.
2. Decision Template
Do you have a decision (or multiple decisions) to be made but need help forming a process by which to make that decision? For this menu option, the Matri team helps the client build out a decision process through our Decision Mapping technique. In the process, Matri helps hone data parameters important to the decision being mapped so the client can leverage all pertinent data available to them. This results in three main lines of work:
Improvement in the decision-making process
Data visualizations to give data-backed insights to inform those decisions
What this does for you:
Decision makers gain a logical thought process to drive towards optimal and efficient decision making, with state-of-the-art data visualizations driving each step along the way. The client’s whole organization gains a common decision template with decision heuristics to use for future decisions. Non-technical stakeholders will have the ability to interpret data at heightened speeds, making sense of data at a similar pace to a data engineer.
Our Focus:
Alice Map
What we deliver:
Client receives a Decision Map(s) to outline the decision(s) in question.
Client receives a progression of data visualizations, from basic exploratory data analysis to multi-parameter dives into the “unit of analysis” upon which the decision is made.
Client receives Matri’s proprietary Alice Map outlining the improved decision-making process and places in the process where Matri’s data visualizations would benefit
Training on our data visualizations
What you bring to the table:
A well-documented, well-organized database
A decision to be made
3. Analytical Result
For this menu option, the client brings known data sets but needs to derive new insights to answer specific research questions. We work with the client to generate visualizations tailored to their research questions. The main line of work here is:
Iterative data visualizations to work through the client’s research question
What this does for you:
Decision makers and analysts alike gain new insights from our neuroscience-based data visualizations, which allow the brain to extrapolate new information from wide combinations of data parameters.
Our focus:
What we deliver:
Client receives an Alice Map outlining a logic process to answering the client’s research question(s) with data-backed insights
Client receives a progression of data visualizations, from basic exploratory data analysis to multi-parameter dives into the “unit of analysis” (i.e., the subject of the research question).
What you bring to the table:
A well-documented, well-organized database
Data sets to analyze
Research question(s)
4. Make Sense of New Data
If the client has an influx of new data to analyze and doesn’t know where to start, this is the menu option for them. The client needs to understand the insights this new raw data has to offer, what conclusions they might draw from it, and what other data at their disposal can be leveraged alongside the new data to add context and find correlations. The main lines of work are:
Visualizing the new data itself, akin to Matri’s database visualization technique
Data visualizations focusing on combinations of parameters that matter and combinations of the new data with previously owned client data
What this does for you:
Matri helps you make sense of the influx of new data, enabling new insights to be drawn, new conclusions to be made, and well-informed decisions to be made. Decision makers and data analysts alike can consume data faster than ever before. Our E9 visualization tool breaks down the traditional barriers that inhibit the use of data to back decisions.
Our focus:
What we deliver:
Client receives an Alice Map outlining a logic process revolving around drawing conclusions from new data.
Client receives a progression of data visualizations, starting with a visualization of the new data sets themselves. We then progress to:
Iterative data visualizations focusing on combinations of parameters within this new data set that could lead to new insights, and
Iterative data visualizations focusing on combining new data and old to find correlations and gain new insights.
What you bring to the table:
A well-documented, well-organized database
New data sets to analyze
Other data with which to compare new data
our process
Judgement Support
Given the increasing velocity of information, decision-makers face an increasing challenge to keep pace with the volume at which information is proliferating. But the human mind doesn’t comprehend tables and databases at mass. The studies of neuroscience and neurocosmology show us how we can leverage the mind’s capacity for deciphering differences in shape, size, and color to make meaning from massive amounts of data. By building interface designs that make complex information comprehensible and generating efficient decision-making processes, Matri takes a piecemeal data-centric approach and cultivates user centric, systems-oriented approach to solving problems.
“Judgment Support is a new category of products and services that transform data into perceptible representations that improve our ability to make decisions over time.”
Judgement Support
Leverage data to see radical changes in decision making
Explore Glyph Design
Pushing your curiosity with visualizing data